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'RE:88 5kCSQW Update / Request

Steve Asked:
Finally, I'll be cleaning
up the deck of the block, putting rags in the cylinders while I do this.
In the past I simply scraped off the old stuff and then gave it a light
sanding ... are there any beter techniques?

I usually use the old razor blade to scrape off the old gasket material
being very careful not to let anything get into any of the passage
ways.  WD-40 also helps along with the razor.

I also use a good vacuum source to suck the particles away as I scrape. 
I made a venturi type vacuum that I run off the air comressor with a
small ~1/4" hose so I can get into all the little nooks and crannies. 
This works real well for cleaning out the top outside edges where the
pistons meet the cyc. walls.

I have not tried any chemical type removers.

87 5KTQ
Littleton, CO