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Dash Display - Check Systems -'95 90S
Have a '90 100 (non-q) w/check system display on dash; upon pushing
button, goes through icon display of oil-can, brake shoes, water geyser,
etc., ultimately conforming things are "OK". Recently purchased '95 90S
which shows same/similar display box in center of dash and check system
feature allegations in owners manual. Four buttons on dash, furtherest
one on the right almost flush with the glass/plastic. Is display
supposed to go through the same song & dance as the one on my '90 100?
Which button am I supposed to push? Can't find any reference in the
owners manual as to the almost flush button on the far right; what does
it do? All help greatly appreciated.
Very Respectfully,
'86 4kq (163K)
'90 100 (98K)
'95 90S (23K)