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Cost of repair/maintenence

Not long ago Rings of Torture (Paul Royal) complained of his high cost
of ownership.  One a yearly basis, it was rather spectacular, but
analysis showed it to be (as I recall) only 7.4 cents per mile,
including racing and modifications.  I've had my 1988 90q for almost two
years now, have added no modifications, and haven't raced it.  Cost of
repair and maintenence is only about $2k per year (as I expected), but
26 cents per mile.  (This includes only costs incurred at my service
provider, and exludes tires and minor other purchases.)

So, RoT, it could be worse!

                .... Kirby   (Kirby A. Smith)
                              2 x 1988 90q
                          New Hampshire USA