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Radar question
Can a police officer travelling in the opposite direction as me getme
with an accurate speed on his radar? It happened to me this
weekend,alongwith an arrest for afailure to appear. They didn't
read me my rights, though.
Audi content: What generally causes clutch packs on slushboxes to
weld together? I mean, what kind of direct situations, not that I'm
running 2.0 bar.
*Steve Sachelle Babbar
*'84 5ksT 1.6-2.0 bar <SBABBAR@IRIS.NYIT.EDU>
*Cockpit adjustable wastegate, AudiSport badge
*Disclaimer:"Any information contained herein is based purely on my own
*personal experience and may not necessarily reflect yours. Use caution as
*your results may vary from mine."