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Re: M-B Theme Park?

Don't forget the temple of the mighty Bently!!

Mike Stump

Robert Myers wrote:

> >To start a long and useless thread, what sort of things would we find
> at an
> >Audi theme park?
> Hmmmm.  Let's see...
> For starters:
> Under powered engines, even with a turbo.
> Blown bombs.
> Leaky vacuum tubing.
> Cracked induction system hoses.
> Easily warped rotors.
> Faulty grounds everywhere.
> Poor solder joints in instrument clusters.
> Burnt out ignition switches.
> Worn out alternator brushes.
> Fixed interval wipers.
> Inoperative switches on the foot pedals.
> Weak fuel pumps and relays.
> Totally crappy lighting.
> Weak hinged doors as part of the HVAC system.
> Cracked exhaust manifolds.
> Broken manifold bolts.
> Exorbitantly priced parts.
> Granted, this is merely a starting point for the negatives.
> Also you find a stylish automobile which seems not to go out of style.
> Great fit and finish.
> A galvanized body which doesn't rust nearly as badly as most 'Murican
> cars do.
> Easily upgraded power output (on the turbo engines).
> Excellent handling.
> Inexpensive used prices (thanks to "unintended acceleration").
> A fun ride in comfort.
> A car that not everybody drives.  Or even recognizes for that matter.
> Ownership provides a nice hobby in auto maintenance and repair.
> All in all, I'd say the positives outweigh the negatives.  :-)
> ___
>    Bob
> ******
> ****************************************************************
> *  Robert L. Myers    rmyers@inetone.net      Home 304-574-2372/1166
> *
> *  Rt. 1, Box 57,  Fayetteville, WV 25840 USA      WV tag Q SHIP
> *
> *  Obligatory quattro and sleddog-L references:
> *
> *  My 4 Siberian Huskies don't get to enjoy riding in my '95 S6
> *
> *
> *********************************************************************