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torsen diffs

perusal of my new rs2 fiche (thanks jeff) shows what many have suspected,
namely that the torsens audi have used *have* changed over the years.

the torsen used in the 016 transmission of the later ur-q is significantly
different from that in the rs2 (based on the 6-speed box). 

ur-q part: 016 409 751 a
rs2 part:  01e 409 751

noticable differences:
rs2 has a large helical spring between the rear shaft and the rear side gear
(presumably to provide side loading to this gear).  the unit has the same
number of invex gears (3 x 2), but is noticably shorter than the 016 torsen. 
the arrangement of shims/washers and bearings is also different between the two
units, with different part numbers as well.

a torsen is a torsen is a torsen?  well, no.

'95 rs2
'90 ur-q