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Re: 4ksq Tires and Suspension Questions

	but I dont believe it is a linear change.  If you look at tires
contact area and measure it, the larger tires have more contact area
(usually)  I see the physics but think there are more variables we are not
taking into account such as tire construction.  The tires rubber negates
some of the effects of air pressure and weight.  Correct?

	Todd Phenneger   aka: Zarati
	1984 4000s quattro / New Red Paint
	2.5" Borla SS Exhaust  /  Boge Turbo Gas Shocks
	15" Wheels & 205/50 ZR15 Bridgestone RE-71s
	Considering a Turbo Conversion  :)

On Tue, 21 Apr 1998, Michael Williams wrote:

> Todd Phenneger decided to speak these words:
> >Uh, show me the physics.  a 245 will to put more rubber on the road.  I
> >am not following you on this one,
> >where are you getting your "Phisics info"  A larger tire has more air in
> >it to compress yes, but the width greatly out weighs the difference in
> >front to back contact area.
> I dont know the physics of it but i think that with a narrower tire, the 
> patch is longer and narrower while the wider the tire, the shorter and 
> wider it gets.  I bet that the patch on a viper must be 1 
> dimensional..hehe
> later...
> Michael Sheridan Williams
> My new one: 1985 4000 S Quattro
> 175,000+ miles, and going like a new car
> Well, went like a new car.....right into a guard rail :o(
> http://members.aol.com/daserde2