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Need part numbers and etc.


This is for my 91 200 TQ. Does somebody know what is the part number for the rear differential bushing. I am also trying to get a thermostat and a fan switch to try to fix my non-functional after-run fan, so if you know what they are please provide me the numbers too.

My mechanic is not that competent with my 200 TQ so I am thinking finding another mechanic. Well, he replaced my turbo cut off valve and my car is now running at 1.4 bar only $^&%$#. Anyone has any recommendation around the Boston area for mechanics that knows how to repair Audi turbos.

	Thank You
	David Tong

     David Tong              tong@infotechsys.com                    
     Information Technology Systems, Inc.
     95 Wells Avenue
     Newton Centre, MA. 02159-3216
     Voice : (617)964-6250  Ext. 28      Fax : (617)964-2280