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fuel filter change--when?

In message <v03110707b163ea42ae29@[]> Phil Rose writes:

> Audi does not appear to be very specific concerning the interval for
> changing the fuel filter in my car.

How can they be?  They don't know how shitty your fuel is.

> (2) How often _should_ the fuel filter be replaced; what are the
> symptoms/problems caused by an overdue fuel filter? Will it cause obviously
> poor running when in need of replacement, or are there more insidious
> effects?

Just general poor performance.  The car will fail the fuel flow test,
which involves disconnecting the fuel feed line under the bonnet,
sticking the end in a bottle, and measuring how much comes through
with the pump running.  For the ur-quattro, it's 900ml in 30 seconds.

Any less - change the filter.  If that doesn't fix it, change the pump.

 Phil Payne
 Phone: 0385 302803   Fax: 01536 723021
 (The contents of this post will _NOT_ appear in the UK Newsletter.)