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RE: Buying 86 + turbo questions

	Hey Glen,
	You didn't die on me, did you!  :-)  I went back and re-read my
E-Mail to
	you, and I have to admit I seem rather antagonistic.  NOT my
intention.  I
	think Scott Mo.'s latest E-Mail says it all, very nicely.  I
would love to 
	own a Q, along with my 5 speed.  The wet stuff would be alot
less scary.  
	The end of my 5 speed rant.


> **********************************************************************
> ******************************
> Gary M. Lewis
> 1986 5000   CS Turbo 5 Speed   194,000 miles (and counting...)
> **********************************************************************
> ******************************
> 	On Wednesday, April 22, 1998 11:42 AM, Glen said,
> 	>Very often there is a reason for that rarity, like no one
> wanted them 
> 	>in the first place!
> 	Yea, I guess the American public, in their infinite wisdom,
> smartly chose the 5000s auto and 5000cst auto over turbo 5 speeds and
> Q's.  In the case of the 5 speed FWD, I haven't a clue why there
> aren't more of them.  Have you ever driven one?
> **********************************************************************
> ******************************
> Gary M. Lewis
> 1986 5000   CS Turbo 5 Speed   194,000 miles (and counting...)
> **********************************************************************
> ******************************