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Subject: Odometer replacement

You wrote:
<<I'm considering replacing the odometer in my 87 5Kq and have a few

questions. Is this a dealer only part or can I find it at a VDO dealer or

somewhere else for less? What should I expect to pay? Do most places require

that you bring them the old one and then give you documentation with the new

one or what? >>

Find a spedometer repair shop; I pulled it myself on an old audi and paid
about $60 for the repair at some shop on Woodward Ave. in Royal Oak, MI.  You
can also repair it yourself; the likely problem is that a small gear has come
loose from the shaft or has cracked; repair it with superglue.  This is
addressed in the archives.
HTH, Chris Miller, Windham NH, c1j1miller@aol.com
'91 200q