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Re: afterrun thermoswitch BTDT
At 23:20 23.04.98 -0600, Henry Harper wrote:
>Having determined that my afterrun switch is in need of replacement (or at
least >that the fan & pump both make noise when the switch is shorted out,
but never turn >on after-otherwise), how much coolant comes out when this
switch is removed (on a >3B). All that was in the head? Just what's in the
little pipe there? Depends on >whether or not the expansion tank cap is loose?
I don't know about 3B, but on my MC it was possible to change the switch
with hardly losing any coolant at all. I unscrewed the old switch and as I
removed it I quickly plugged the hole with my thumb. Then I quickly
installed the new switch in the same manner. I think I losed only few drips
of coolant.
Aleksander Mierzwa
Warsaw, Poland
87 Audi 5000CS turbo (mine)
88 Renault Medallion wagon (mom's)
91 mountain bike (just in case both cars broke at the same time :-)