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Re: Eibach springs

Frank Bauer wrote:

>i think the real story is they made a batch during 1995 and they have
>depleted their supply.  has anyone seen a type 44 prokit spring that
>had other than ##/95 stamped on it?

About eight months ago, someone posted to the List that they had
bought the "last set" of Eibachs for a Type 44 that WolfSport had in
stock.  I contacted WolfSport a few weeks later and learned that they
were trying to get together enough people to get Eibach to make one
more batch of these springs for sale by them.  They took my name on a
mailing list, my email address and phone number.  I haven't heard back
from them.  I called about three months after that to check, and the guy
told me that they were "a few people away" from getting the order
placed.  I've still not heard anything from them.  I'll try and check one
more time if they are going to go through with it after all.

Best Wishes,