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Re: 85 ur-quattro turbo rebuild

   Register another vote for a K24 from another '85 UrQ owner.

   <<I suggest replacing it with a new or rebuilt WC K24 turbo.

    I am just about ready to remove my turbo. With 155k miles (249,000km) on it
   I need to get it rebuilt before my summer tour of the western states.
    Does anyone have any advice or recommendation regarding this? Where to send
   it and what to do with it?

[Never can keep these things straight...] The "K24" is the water-cooled
"S4" turbo, right? Gotta agree -- It's the (well, certainly a GREAT) way
to go [http://www.tiac.net/users/rdh/http/Urq for more details].

Then you "fix" the ECU, and have a ball!
