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Re: Hog ring update
>It's an upholstery clip that is almost circular. There is a gap between
>the two ends. Both ends are sharp. One goes through the fabric, the other
>end goes around a support and then a special pliers is used to squeeze the
>ends together, sorta like a heavy duty circular staple.
Aha! I know what those are...I became very aqainted with those things when
I decided to "launder" the back seat cover for our 5k. Quite an adventure;
it went into the washing machine suffering from years of dirt, orange soda
and ketchup...and came out looking perfect. It was several months before I
had time to re-attach it; for the longest while I had it just over the
foam/wire, not attached.
It looks great now, so great I once considered doing the front seats, but
couldn't find how to get the stuff off without removing the seat from the
I didn't bother buying new rings; I just saved 'em all and re-attached
them. Took my dad and I about 1 hour to get it all put together again and
stretch it out a little(it did shrink the tiniest bit.)
Amazing what a little "all" and a washing machine can do to some sorry
looking fabric seats!
Brett Dikeman
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