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Re: 200q 20v Trailer hitch?

> A lister advised possibility of Pep boys. He says he has one for his
>91 200q wagon.   Their book only shows 1984-1988 wagon, which may
>mean it fits 91 too if mounting points and exhaust similar.  Waiting
>to see if lister can get me part #.
I'll see if I can find a part number on it; it has been 11 years since it
was put on, and its taken its' fair share of abuse...

>  When you say  'removable", do you mean tongue comes out?  What
Yhea...ball+tongue.  Still protrudes well below the rear ground
effect/underskirt...looks pretty ugly, which is why I'm looking for reasons
not to have one put on my soon-to-be-aquired 200, but I may not have a
choice; dad's 944 isn't suited for launching boats :) and the Volvo is a
RWD that has the suckiest traction in the world...

>brand do you have?  I checked Reese and D'lan and neither had one.
Da'Lan; just looked.
It's bolted or welded right near the 5mph bumper/absorbers/mounts.
Can't tell you much more, since it's pitch black out :)

I'd bet that a sedan mount will work on your wagon, or they can figure it
out; the tops are different, bottoms the same(?)


Brett Dikeman
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