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bypass, shmypass: cut 'em off at the pass
In message <v03110708b166d2e67938@[]> Phil Rose writes:
> P.S. When I removed the old valve, there was the Bosch AND the Audi part #s
> in (almost) plain sight.
On the MB ur-quattro, the Audi and Bosch part numbers on the control
pressure regulator are entirely (and deliberately?) obscured by the
mounting bush. On the fuel frequency valve, they're formed into the
green plastic body at the end - but they're so small you meed the
workshop microscope to read them.
I find that _all_ Bosch parts have a Bosch number on the somewhere. In
the case of the frequency valve, it took me a day or two to realise
that the marks on the end of the body weren't vise-grip scars.
Phil Payne
Phone: 0385 302803 Fax: 01536 723021
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