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RE: Follow-Up on Mobil 1 Oil Filters

Not quite Michael, a 10W40 becomes 25W or 30W, it always goes towards the
heavy weight, and also keep in  mind, it's not the same for synthetic oil
(most of the synthetic oil I used was single weight, multi viscosity
synthetic oil is an oxymoron, a marketing gimmick), so I have not done any
viscosity tests on synthetic oil.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-quattro@coimbra.ans.net
> [mailto:owner-quattro@coimbra.ans.net]On Behalf Of Michael Stocker
> Sent: Saturday, April 25, 1998 1:06 PM
> To: Brett Dikeman
> Cc: quattro@coimbra.ans.net
> Subject: Re: Follow-Up on Mobil 1 Oil Filters
> I came across something like that a couple of years ago.
> If memory serves me right, the filter media was a roll of toilet paper.
> The issue that I can see is that oil additives start breaking
> down after 3,000
> miles.  A 10W40 oil becomes 10W after a period of time.
> So, for this system to work, you need to be able to replace these
> additives
> periodically.
> Michael Stocker
> mdstockr@neo.lrun.com
> http://home.neo.lrun.com/pim/home.htm
> PO Box 256, Canal Fulton, Ohio 44614-0256, USA
> ----------
> | From: Brett Dikeman <quattro@arthur.malebolge.com>
> | To: Michael Stocker <mdstockr@neo.lrun.com>
> | Cc: quattro@coimbra.ans.net
> | Subject: Re: Follow-Up on Mobil 1 Oil Filters
> | Date: Saturday, April 25, 1998 12:58 AM
> |
> | >The best hydraulic oil filters I know of are rated at 5
> microns.  Note that
> | >these are used in indoor hydraulic systems for laboratory road
> simulators
> | >where
> | >the ambient temperature never drops below 50 deg F.
> | There's a new kind of oil filtering device...it's a big can, maybe 3x
> | longer than a normal oil filter, and it has a small pump...it
> hooks into an
> | oil line, and draws a small amount off and does a really good job of
> | filtering it.  I guess the idea is that the main filter will
> take care of
> | big stuff, but the larger filter will remove carbon etc.
> slowly(ie, how it
> | makes its way into the oil in the first place.)
> |
> | Mostly designed for trucks, but I've seen it(I think) in
> various race cars.
> | Oil looks perfect even after months of usage in a big rig.