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Re: Audi-Dudi announces a contest for UK Q-list subscribers...

OK, I'll bite.. though since I'm not a UK subscriber I must disqualify
myself from any prize.  Of course that means I'm not obligated to send you
a B'day gift :-)

How about: VW is To Audi as Crawfish is to Lobster. 

First apologies to Steve M. whose address & phone I didn't have on my
recent trip to the crescent city. And an offer of a fine brew to any one in
bean town who wants to get together .... say Tuesday evening (I'm
flexible)?  I'm at a Marriott near 128 and 90.


PS Jeff, how's the Urq stuff coming along?
> From: Jeffrey J. Goggin <audidudi@mindspring.com>
> To: quattro@coimbra.ans.net
> Subject: Audi-Dudi announces a contest for UK Q-list subscribers...
> So I've decided to give it away to the
> UK-based Q-list subscriber who best completes the following sentence: "A
> Volkswagen is to an Audi as _____ is to _____."
> The contest closes one week from today (on May 2nd, my birthday!) and the