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Re: V8Q "surging"

In a message dated 98-04-24 14:43:29 EDT, Eric Friedman wrote:

<< I and a couple of other folks have experienced a "surging" effect with both
 the 3.7 and 4.2 engines in our V8Q's.  It is apparently normal.  When
 accelerating  at a consistent moderate throttle in first and second gear,
 the car moves in a slightly stepped manner through the revs rather than
 smoothly. Third and fourth gear do no seem to show it and under hard
 throttle it is much less noticable.  Would this be what you are referring
 to? >>
My 90 v8q surged in exactly the same manor when I first purchased the car 6
months ago with 32k on the odo. It was noticable to my passengers as well. The
dealer said that it was not the o2 sensor - but could have been related to the
quality of the fuel. ( I was using Sunoco 93 oct). Since then, after about
10,000 mi of highway driving using Amoco & Mobil premium the surging has
diminished to the point where it's very subtle.


Bernie Dubin
'90 v8q
'91 MPV
'93 Miata