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Re: Strange Ronals
Tom Nas decided to speak these words:
> Has anybody else
>ever seen 4-bolt 8" Ronals?
Yeah, they were sold aftermarket during the 80's and i actually just saw
an ad for them in an old road and track when i was at the library
yesterday. In 1985 a 15x8 R8 cost about 120 bucks...that is REALLY
expensive then, i assume....
Michael Sheridan Williams
My new one: 1985 4000 S Quattro
175,000+ miles, and going like a new car
Well, went like a new car.....right into a guard rail :o(
My even newer one: 1986 Oceanic Blue (swoon...), 4000CS Quattro
Major front end damage, but soon (hopefully up and running)
My original Audi: 1985 Coupe GT: Parting out, just ask...most parts
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