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Re: '92 V6 head gaskets

Dan, et al,

Trust me, no one is more upset about this than me. The initial response
took me completely by surprise and, while still in shock, thanked the
CustRep and hung up. I will indeed escalate this to the district rep, but
before I do, is there any real concrete evidence of the faulty head
gaskets? I don't have my Alldata disc with me up here in VT, so I can't
check the recalls, or tsb's, anyone else have this ability? If not, I can
do it Friday night when I get home.

Sean Ford
'92 grey thing sitting in the parking lot.

ps - I feel like I just smacked my dog for throwing up on the rug. In other
words, I feel like sh*t for disliking my car when it's not it's fault. I
need therapy, this is not healthy.

dans@ans.net on 04/28/98 01:17:52 PM

To:   Sean Ford
Subject:  Re: '92 V6 head gaskets

Bullshit.  Escalate to the district rep.  There is a known problem
with the V6 engine (seen it several times)
Dan Simoes                                dans@ans.net
ANS Communications       http://coimbra.ans.net/dans.html
100 Manhattanville Road                 (914) 701-5378 (voice)
Purchase, NY 10577                      (914) 701-5310 (fax)