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Re: quattro-digest V4 #2147
Hairy green toads from Mars made SCN User say:
> It is?? Now I _am_ confused. I have been told previously by other listers
> that my 84 4kq is acting _normally_ when the cooling fan turns off with
> the key. Is it supposed to run after shutoff?? Recently had a new fan
> installed and my mechanic says everything works like it should. Anybody
> have the definitive word?
It is called the afterrun fan, and it serves to cool off the
engine *compartment* after parking the car, not the engine.
It sometimes comes on several minutes after parking, and may
not come on at all, unless it is quite hot out. My 100Q almost
never afterruns unless it is 90+ degrees outside. Angela's 90Q20V
runs EVERY time she parks.
This feature may not be on older cars, like your '84. Look in
the relay list for an "afterrun cooling fan" relay.
Andrew L. Duane (JOT-7) duane@zk3.dec.com
Digital Equipment Corporation (603)-884-1294
110 Spit Brook Road
M/S ZKO3-3/U14
Nashua, NH 03062-2698
Only my cat shares my opinions, and she's too psychotic to express it