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In message <9804301159.AA04436@hunch.zk3.dec.com> Andrew Duane USG/PE writes:

> As for parking backwards so you can look at it as
> you approach, I thought *WE* liked our Audis!

<appalling Kraut accent>

"Ve Germans care about ze appearance of our valls, and ve alvays
 park vith ze front of ze car facing invards."

</appalling Kraut accent>

> Given the VIN, any dealer can pull up the complete service record.
> Try another dealer....

Given the VIN, any dealer can pull up what other dealers have entered.
If they're slapdash with the book, they'll be slapdash with the
computer.  At least it will be _her_ record - but it's likely to be

 Phil Payne
 Phone: 0385 302803   Fax: 01536 723021
 (The contents of this post will _NOT_ appear in the UK Newsletter.)