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Engine and trans removal
I may strip my car during sometime this summer and I wanted to know if I
can pull the engine and trans out (from the top) as one piece. Can a
regular portable type hoist pull it out? Any BTDT's? I will be doing this
after most everything else is off. What about dropping it from the bottom?
I am thinking of pulling the hole front subframe off and it may be easier
to just drop the tranny and engine from the bottom. How high would the car
have to be lifted? I'm going to strip all the front suspension pieces, so
assume that in the answer. TIA!
*Steve Sachelle Babbar
*'84 5ksT 1.6-2.0 bar <SBABBAR@IRIS.NYIT.EDU>
*Cockpit adjustable wastegate, AudiSport badge
*Disclaimer:"Any information contained herein is based purely on my own
*personal experience and may not necessarily reflect yours. Use caution as
*your results may vary from mine."