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Re: name plates -- dumb question ( my badges)

OK, lets have a badge fest!  For the U.S, 1980-on. :-)
This is all from memory.  Accuracy not guaranteed!
A4 1.8T (96-98)          A4            OOOO      1.8T+
200Q (88-90)             Audi 200      OOOO      quattro

Here's what the badges on my past Audis have been:
''84 CGT:             OOOO
'85 CGT:		  OOOO (licence plate: AUDI GT)
'87 CGT:             OOOO (licence plate: AUDI GT)
'90 CQ:               OOOO (licence plate: QUATRO 1)
'98 A41.8t:           OOOO (thinking of a new customized plate)
The CQ was actually the only Audi I had that came WITHOUT badges.  Some CQs
did have badges, some didn't.  Mine didn't even have a front grille Q badge
(no accident history).  That;s fine with me, as you can tell, I don't like
badges.  ON my 3 Coupe GTs, I pulled all badges and added the 4 rings to
update the look to that of the current Audis.

I used to have a good supply of all these badges that I pulled off, but i gave
most of them away to fellow Qlisters who needed them.

       /\        _I    Christian J. Long (& Breeze Heller - soon to be wife!)
     /    \ I_I I_I I  Orlando, Florida, USA
                       University of Central Florida Alumni 1994
'98 Audi A4 1.8T      looking tough with 225/50-16
'96 BMW 318ti          no mods yet....
'90 Audi 90              Still in the family
Past Audis: '84 CGT, '85CGT, '87.5 CGT, '90 CQ