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Re: Autoweek on quattro
>Autoweek, April 6, page 13, says this about the Audi A8:
>"...The aluminum A8 costs substantially more than the other two German
>sedans [M-B E430 & BMW 540i]. But is it worth it? On dry pavement, no. The
>extra weight of the quattro system translates into less-snappy acceleration
>and a rougher ride. On snow, or rain-slick pavement, the A8 would no doubt
>outperform the other two..."
>Are these remarks about the quattro system's "less-snappy acceleration and
>a rougher ride" on dry pavement correct? I'm about to order my first Audi
>and would like to avoid a mistake.
Back when I was test-driving a couple 5kCSTQ's, I did notice that the car
was stiffer than my FWD 5kCST.
One good example of how a q handles better; I test drove a 200q a couple
weeks back, and I took it out on a local 2-lane highway. I needed to head
back to the dealers, so I got into the left turn lane at the next light;
when I took a U-ie, I noticed a distinct difference in handling; my FWD
would have handled it rather clumsily; this q-car took it beautifully
without a complaint.
Brett Dikeman
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