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>The thing that really makes me angry about this is not that the dealer
charges a whopping 8 bucks each for them, I'd expect that, but rather the
fact that he told me I didn't need them in the first place because I was
asking HIM to replace them! 

Did the new batteries make a difference?  I hope so.

>The second thing was the maintenance record.  ---snip---

Get ready to camp on his doorstep.  If he won't make an appointment mention
the state department of consumer fraud (or whatever they call it in NJ).
That will probably get you an appointment.  :-(

>Now get ready for this: He admitted that I should be getting way better
than 14 mpg and asked what kind of gas I was using. I said supreme, he said
thats your problem you should be using regular!!!!! ??????? The manual
clearly states that I should be using no less than 91 octane gas and to
only use 87 octane in an emergency. So once again he is contradicting what
the Audi manual is telling me. Oh, he also said emphatically to only use
Mobil gasoline, no other kind, just Mobil.

Mobil?  I have heard many bad reports on Mobil gasolines.  Try running the
tank till it's low and then fill up with Amoco 93 or Sunoco 94 or Texaco
93.  See what if any difference this may make.

>So here is where I stand: I will continue to use supreme until I hear
otherwise from the list. I will give the US Postal Service until Wednesday
to deliver the maintenance record and if not I will make an appointment
with the Sales Manager and go up there and discuss all of this with him
personally. (I probably should just show up but I'm sort of worried about
driving all that way and then finding that he is not there, what do you

See comment above.

>BTW, I Iive in New Jersey. The car was purchased from Bell Saab Audi in
Rahway. This is not near my home or my job, but I need to deal with them
atleast until I get all this ironed out. The nearest Audi dealer to me is
Schneider and Nelson in West Long Branch. I know a couple who are on their
5th Audi, all from there, all serviced there and they have no complaints.
On the other hand, someone mentioned S & N on the mechanics "to avoid list"
on the Quattro List webpage so I don't know. If there is anyone in my neck
of the woods, I'd love to hear from you.

Not from here.  Southern WV is a "fur piece" from NJ.

>Thanks again for your unfailing support!
>Dee 95 A6q pearl (ahhhhh!)
>PS Andrew: what are hairy green toads from Mars all about? 

A witticism.

>Unka Bart: where can I get some of those meds? 

>From your local neighborhood corner pharmacy - the one operating out of the

>I think I need them Dereh: email me...I found this nail polish color that
looks just like pearlescent white

That'd be cool.  :-)

*  Robert L. Myers    rmyers@inetone.net      Home 304-574-2372/1166  *
*  Rt. 1, Box 57,  Fayetteville, WV 25840 USA      WV tag Q SHIP      *
*  Obligatory quattro and sleddog-L references:                       *
*  My 4 Siberian Huskies don't get to enjoy riding in my '95 S6       *