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Rear proportioning valve prollems
With the car (88 5kCD TQ) completely suspended in the air by its frame &
no form of a drivetrain, the left rear wheel is binding enough that I
was able to tighten the wheel bolts for my new Sport wheels without
holding the tire. I'm _guessing_ this has to do with the rear
proportioning valve that controls that wheel. Yes, the whole car is off
the ground, however, that proportioning thingy is a solid ball of rust.
The lever that is supposed to move can't be budged with a hammer, so
it's completely useless. So, the question becomes:
1) How important is it? I very regularly toss 3 or 4 people (kicking
and screaming usually) into the car, plus a bunch of luggage etc for a
long weekend of camping or skiing or whatever, but also use it to
commute 100 miles a day in, so the rear weight is constantly varrying
rather considerably.
2) How bad would it be to toss the thing in the trash and just couple
the two brake lines together?
3) Anyone got a parts car with one of these things intact that they
want to sell cheap? :-)