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CORRECTION -> RE: halfshaft removing tool

>These bolts are NOT TORX!  They are a 12 point bit typically refereed to as
>a "Triple Square".
>Three sizes most often used by Audi/VW are:
>  8 mm - halfshaft bolts for most VW's and the smaller Audi chassis'
>10 mm - halfshaft bolts for the larger Audi chassis',  also some head bolts
>if I'm not mistaken (diesels?)
>12 mm - head bolts for most of the Audi/VW heads

for those who are keeping track, these tools are alternatively referred
to as "triple-square", "12-point" or "spline drive", depending on who is
selling it.  the shape of the "teeth" are same shape used by the cv
joints to drive the hub, by the crankshaft to drive the tranny, etc.


to: IN:HAREST@allenbrook.iix.com
cc: IN:quattro@coimbra.ans.net