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Well, Rob was right;also, request from Linda@Carlsen
Rob Winchell warned me that I would be "turning up the cigarette lighter
instead of the volume _all_ the time."
Did it on the way home today :)
"Hey! @#!$ radio's bu...oh..."
Could get dangerous; I like the "push for next station" feature
What on earth posessed them to make the lighter the exact same size, shape,
and height as the radio volume?
Oh, and I called "Linda" and Carlsen today to aquire a good WGFV. She was
very helpful, but "I'm cranky 'cause you don't have a part number!"
Jovial, good humored, and went out of her way to see how low she could go
from the $70-80 for the valve, which is named an Electro-Change-Over-Valve;
she started on a flurry of calls without my even saying a word, on another
phone while I listened...everyone was off to lunch though.
Here's Linda's request:
"Now MEMORIZE that damn name!" :)
So any of you turbo owners out there, memorize the fact that the wastegate
frequency valve is really a "Electro-Change-over-valve." Save everyone at
parts desks everywhere some time :)
Linda: "Why do they call it that? It's a wastegate frequency valve! Arg!"
She spent a bit of time trying to find it until I said "It's got a direct
connection to the Wastegate"
"Bingo. Got it."
Waiting to hear back; she was going to check with some aftermarket people
and see if she could get it for less than the $70-80 for new. I may just
get a new one, since these things are time-sensitive and I don't want to
get one that's had 3/4 of its life eaten up...
91 200q
Brett Dikeman
Hostes alienigeni me abduxerunt. Qui annus est?
Te audire non possum. Musa sapientum fixa est in aure.
Ita, scio hunc 'sig file' veterem fieri.