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Re: Radio wiring loom colours ..... help!

-----Original Message-----
From: DRoxburgh <droxburgh@email.msn.com>

>Please, can anyone explain the UK Urq radio lead colours - seem to have
>four: red/black, white, brown, blue. I can figure the speaker cables out
>later, but dont want to blow anying up on the power side!

Red/Black = supply (not ignition controlled so I dont use it)
Brown       = earth
White       = aerial control
Blue? mine has Grey/Blue = dunno, its in the lighting circuit so may be
radio illumination? I dont use it anyway.
The Green cables are for the front speakers.

>second day of Urq ownership....wonderful!
Yeah, that grin starts to get embarrassing, everyone else wondering what the
hell you've been doing......

Jim Haseltine