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Sometimes wrong is still right

Doug Q writes:
>Belt is off, work proceeds. And hey, even if I didn't
>actually have it at TDC, I did get it to a defined
r>eference point. It was running that way, so if I
>just put everything back the same way, it will
>run again.

Not exactly the way this list wants you to do things, but yes indeed it works.
A reference point is all you need.  180 out is hardly a bad reference point.
The only trick is the parallax visioning of the dist marks.  I would say
though Doug, that if you have done all the proper alignments you should see
-0- not a line on the flywheel, the line is not TDC.  The ONLY key to a
running audi is dist to flywheel mark.  Off a couple teeth on a cam won't
prevent startup.  Off 2 degrees FW to Dist, and no start.  When you get
everything put back together, Doug, rotate to -0- on the flywheel and --)--)
on the Dist and ck your cam again.  Sounds to me like you might be off a
tooth.  Not a bad thing necessarily...

>Now, any ideas as to how to remove the lower bolt
>which secures the thermostat cover/housing? It
>is blocked by the radiator and thermoswitch.

BTDT in a parking garage.  10mm wrench works, just a tight squeeze from the


Scott Justusson