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Re: Heat & My ur-q don't mix

   It would not rev readily in neutral and was sluggish all the time.  Under
   full throttle it bogged heavily.  At this point the temp gauge began going
   above the 3/4 mark.  I backed off and It cooled back down.  At the time I
   thought that I had a clogged cat.

Except for the running hot, it sure sounds like you're running way rich
(as if the ECU had locked the F.V. on full...). If it's way rich, you
should be able to hold your hand behind the exhaust pipe and see/feel/
collect lotsa unburned hydrocarbons.

I dunno . . .

   I could not tell if it was running lean or rich.  I am planning on setting
   up my two multimeters.  One to monitor the duty cycle and the other to
   monitor the O2 sensor.

That'll tell ya a lot (if nothing else, it'll eliminate a lot of poten-
tial problem areas). An awful lot of these obscure problems you find by
eliminating everything else . . . slowly and tediously . . . and with
much use of, um, er, ah, encouraging French words . . .

Good luck. Let us know what you finally resolve!
