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Re: fool boiler & SportsCar on 'EFI'

In a message dated 98-05-12 14:17:50 EDT, you write:

<< Well Glen I would have to agree with you there.  I have taught myself
 not to refer to my car a "E"FI.  Graydon put EFI on his car.  CIS is not
 electronic at all, excepting the OXS loop in USA and I suppose if you
 want to get technical the frequency valve, sort of.
Actually I have read that electronic fuel injection can be described as any
fuel system which is controlled by a computer.  Late CIS systems fall into
this category as well as EFI's with electric fuel injectors, but in my opinion
the turbo's CIS is a cross between an EFI and a mechanical fuel system, so I
guess you could call it an (EFI)/2 system.