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Re: staticky A4?
At 11:33 PM 5/11/98 -0400, you wrote:
>I agree! The static shock on my A4ta is driving me crazy. I hesitate
>to touch the door as I exit when it's dry.
>Setve-- what kind of tires did you buy? And what tires were on your car
>originally. mine has Goodyears. I am considering some Michelin Pilot
>SX GTs, as well as possibly going to 17" wheels, but I want to know what
>kind of tires you are having good luck with first.
Chris - I originally had the rim-protector Goodyear LS's. Soft ride in a
straight line is all the good I can say about them. I replaced them
w/Yokohama AVS S4's that I had left over in the garage. Great all-season
tire until I replace the wheels/tires.
I've never owned a car w/Pilot's, but I've driven cars with the MXX3 and
liked them. I'm hesitant to go above 16" rims in my area because of
crappy roads. I've always been partial to the Dunlop SP8000's or D40M2's,
or the Yokohama AVS series, but there are as many opinions on tires as
there are tires...............SLM
Steve Manning: stephenm@ix.netcom.com
...Physical home: Metro D.C. area, USA
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