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RE: Ur-Q collectability
> >I would say the most unique cars are(in order!):
> >-V8(with manual tranny only. Don't know the exact number, but
>rare as
> >hell.) Rarest.
Hehe...that's rare :)
>How about 5 speed FWD turbos? Any #'s?
I own one. 1987. Love to get rid of it, seeing as I have a 200tq and the
two seem to be talking to each other at night, and the 200tq is getting
ideas from the 5kcst...
> Or even desirable. If I remember the FWD 5 speed Turbo vs. Q
>thread (which Scott Mo. cleared right up, even shut me up :-) ),
>somebody said the exact same thing. After careful consideration, I
>agree. My car seems kinda rare, but neither collectable nor desirable
>:-( . (It is fast though. Thanks again Scott Mo.)
Yep. It's quite a bit lighter than a 200tq, body and drivetrain. On an
near-empty tank of gas, and with a light driver(me) that's still one fun
car...but I like my 200q better(even though it's not working right...says
something, doesn't it :)
Brett Dikeman
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Ita, scio hunc 'sig file' veterem fieri.