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Re: V8 taillite question

At 11:22 14.05.98 -0400, Andrew Duane USG/PE wrote:

>BTW, if you do want to do this, decide if you prefer red/yellow
>(the 200 lights) or all red (the V8 lights). I think red/yellow
>looks much beeter on my black car, but I'd go all red on a white
>car or something similar.

I've seen a white 44 chassis car with red/black lamps (the yellow portion
was smoked black). It looked _very_ good.

Aleksander Mierzwa
Warsaw, Poland
87 Audi 5000CS turbo (mine)
88 Renault Medallion wagon (mom's)
91 mountain bike (just in case both cars broke at the same time :-)