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Step and Job Condition Codes With EXEC PGM=FTP,PARM='(EXIT'
In message <Pine.SOL.3.96.980515161622.199B-100000@mcmail.CIS.McMaster.CA> dfraser@mcmail.CIS.McMaster.CA writes:
> The truely paranoid sender of data will count the number of bytes in the
> file (quite easy with easytrieve+) and the number of lines in the file and
> send that information over as a seperate file.
> The certifiable paranoid will also do md5 message digests (actually, I
> don't think that this will transfer between architectures well but I have
> never tried it).
Or choose a cross-platform tool that supports proper enterprise-level
production control systems like CNTL-X and Beta 91 - hash totalling
of transfers, etc.
With the best will in the world - I know FTP is free, but incorporating
it in a production suite is a bit like doing the same with DEBE.
Encryption support? Compression? Custom translation?
Phil Payne
data trader: High-performance cross platform data access and
job initiation. MVS, AS/400, Windows, OS/2, UNIX