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Re: Audis at lunch?, Now chipped A4
You caught me Frank. Don't forget to mention that one of the Hellas is
broken (Colorado is also the place to watch glass cracking). Anyway, I was
returning from the Audi dealer where one of the service guys let me drive
his chipped A4 1.8tq, 5-speed. Since there has been recent interest in A4
chips I will give a brief driving impression.
The car has a TAP chip and the owner only said it is 200+ hp. It also has
Scorpion exhaust and 16" wheels, otherwise stock. (Remember, the altitude
is 5500 ft.) Low end is not bad off the line (read, good at low altitude).
Turbo boost and torque come on at fairly low revs quickly but also
smoothly and seamlessly with no flat spots or stumbling. Mid range power
is very good. Torque is obviously trailing off after 5000 rpm. I really
missed the higher rpm torque that my chipped 20vt 5 cyl. generates.
Acceleration was very good up to about 70 mph and decent but a little
weaker after that. All in all, very impressive performance compared to
most of what is out there. Way better at altitude than, say , a 172 hp v-6
5-sp A4. Not sure how it compares to a new v-6 A4 but I am guessing it
runs as well or better up here. The sound of the Scorpion was always
audible but not loud. The owner has lots plans for future mods, nice car.
Ralph Poplawsky
'91 200tq
At 09:54 PM 5/15/98 -0600, Frank Amoroso wrote:
>Lunch time today we pull out of our work lot in a co-workers Acura (I don't
>like driving distances that don't warm the car up). I see three pretty
>choice 200s in about a one block radius.
>Lago Blue (?) 200 w/ clear turn signals and 16" 7 spoke A4 sport wheels.
>Heading north on Foothills a Pearl 200 w/ Hella XLs. Ralph I'm assuming that
>was you.
>Then heading the opposite direction a black 200, lowered (?).
>On the way back form lunch multiple A4s (including a Silver Avant).
>Colorado is the place to be for quattro watching.