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Re: Checked WOT and ECU on 5kcstq...

> Again, the car isn't dead or anything, but it doesn't feel as fast as I
> believe other 5kcstq's do. Let me know if I should check anything else, or
> otherwise I'll plan on shopping for a different 5kcstq. But this one does
> have the Fuchs wheels...

What kind of gas did the car have in it? The ECU dials
back the ignition timing for lower octane fuel.

hth, -doug q 
-Douglas Hurst Quebbeman (dougq@iglou.com)            [Call me "Doug"]
    QuattroClub USA# 4536              Audi International # 100024
       74 100LS Auto, 77 100LS Auto, 84 Coupe GT, 86 5Kcstq   
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