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Re: Blown V8

As a data point, there was a 90 V8 here in Southern Colorado, an
acquaintance, which had a similar problem. His bill was just about $5000.
However, he replaced All the valves and all the lifters as well as having
both heads rebuilt. If you price those lifters you will know they were a
significant portion of the cost.


> From: Lawrence C Katzenstein <Lawrence.C.Katzenstein-1@tc.umn.edu>
> To: quattro@coimbra.ans.net
> Subject: Blown V8
> Date: Wednesday, May 20, 1998 3:40 PM
> Well gents,
>      More info. on my blown V8. The tech at Maplewood is offering 2K so
> that's out. This reminds me of the joke about why surgeons wear masks. 
> Maplewood would also want $4K for just installing the engine that Chris
> Autobahn could ship from NH. This would raise my bill from $4500 to
> This means that I either ought to find someone else to install it more
> cheaply or go with the rebuilding process there. They now say that the
> will run between $4000 and $4500. It only needs valves and a new timing
> belt. No pistons or other parts.