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Subject: Re: 98 Passat Wagon - Helicopter mode
At 16:05 20.05.98 -0400, John wrote:
>Has anyone else discovered the problem with the new Passat
>Wagon's design? If you have the sunroof open all the way
>with the windows closed, and drive anywhere near 50MPH,
>the air pressure pulses rapidly popping your ears HARD and
>it sounds like a helicopter.
>Do any of the Audi's have this problem?
Aleksander Mierzwa replied:
Yes, my 5K does the same thing even at low speeds. I guess a full-sized
wind deflector could cure this.
I've got the full-size deflector (dark plastic in front of sun roof), and have
no trouble with the "helicopter", at any speed up to 120 (well, haven't tried
faster with the sunroof open...). Pics of my car on my web site; you can see
the deflector. I've seen the "problem" with several other cars, including my
former 4000csq. With that car, it wasn't the sunroof; no problem there even
with the stock deflector; it was with just one window open. I've seen it
often happen with aftermarket roof installs, such as an old girlfriend's
integra. May not be related to "flex" or resonance of body panels, as much as
disruption to airflow and cyclic high/low pressure spikes in the car.
Chris Miller, Windham NH, c1j1miller@aol.com '91 200q