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Re: downpipes, etc. (turbo) <again>

On Sat, 23 May 1998, Brooks Ellis wrote:

> The reason I was wondering about intercoolers, downpipes, and otheer
> turbo-related intake parts; the talon/eclipse people have done a _lot_ of
> work on their turbo cars (not my cup of tea, I'd rather run german)....

Very true indeed.

> I feel, anb they feel, that the key to speedy autos is by doing the above
> -FIRST-. Then, they will consider raising boost. Mind you, these are DSM
> motors, and won't handle as much abuse as an Audi motor. 


> I go ahead and bump up the boost. Not that bumping up the boost is wrong,
> but there are going to be severe restrictions on performance, until you do
> the intercooler, pipe (I dunno the correct name), air filter (not _that_

You know that?  News to me.

> I would like to get the minimal gains by intake and exhaust, before I get
> into serious business cranking the boost.

Sounds backwards to me.   I usually try to get as much HP as I can with 
as little cash outlay as possible.

> so - does this happen with audis/VAG mobiles? Is there enough of a demand
> to get improved intercoolers, mandrel bent pipes and exhaust? Dual cat
> exhaust? 

NO.  Not on Audis.   There are ony a few thousand of these cars running 
around, where there are many hundreds of thousands of the DSM cars.  
Also, a greater proportion of DSM drivers are tweekers.

> The 2.3 (~) motors are at least an order of magnitude over-engineered than
> a simple DSM (eclipse, talon) motor, so we should be able to do a little
> intake/exhaust work, and then a boost mod, to FLY by anything with less
> than >5.0 n/a engine; not to mention a 2.x MITSUBISHI turbo. 

Haha, you can't be serious!?  That Audi motor is strong - that's it.   It 
is not sophisticated, high tech or efficient.  The Mitsu motor was 
designed as a race engine from the very first.  it has twin cams, 4 
valves per cyl, a very strong crank, good head flow, etc.  It also has 
EFI, a good turbo installation, and overall, can make alot of hp.  Its 
also smooth, which the old 5 banger is not.

> Come on, I know you guys have seen some -real- goodies, not just simple
> springs and ECUs. What have 'yall done, and how did it work? Are there
> later parts from tyhe factory, like from the RS2 that will enhance
> performance? 

Sure but they're big bucks.

> Repeat of above - I'm looking for a more efficient (larger? probably)
> intercooler; a mandrel bent intercooler -> engine pipe; and then exhaust mods.

These things will all help.  And, yiou can get big hp from the Audi 5-cyl 
engine, but don't get down on other folks' engines just because you like 
German stuff.  The Japanese know how to make engines just as well as the 
rest of us.

Incidentally, I don't know of any street-driven Audis that will run 10's 
in the quarter mile, so I'd say that the Mitsus are currently making more 
hp since their cars weigh about the same (maybe 150 pounds less or so) as 

Graydon D. Stuckey

"There's alot more to Jazz than just wrong notes"