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Re: RE: Disc Brake kits

In a message dated 5/21/98 10:32:31 PM, MARDKINS@classic.msn.com writes:

>I do not know about the Big Reds but I have heard that Wildwoods have no
>piston seals which means rebuilding on a yearly basis.  Is this true? 
>If it 
>is than what alternatives are there that do not have this problem?  

First off If your putting Performance parts on a car and NOT checking them on
a yearly basis then your acting in a dangerous and unresponsable manner.......
I've had Wildwood's on several cars and I rebuild them every two years with no
ill effects.  Put CoolCarbons or Pagids on your G60 and you'd better rebuild
them every year, so what's the difference?

>> For 99.99% of the drivers in the world the S4 brakes are fine for the
>Street...... And if your Rear ending cars you need to reevaluate your driving
>abilities.... I'd say that who ever is "building" the Big Red Conversion
>looking to get rich on a few suckers.....  Did 'ya get the bottle of Vaseline
>Frank?  'Cause you need it if you paid $3000 for brakes!  Almost 12% of
>value of the car, pass the crack pipe I need a hit!
>Do you have a vendeta against Frank.  Do you really need to slam him or
>is it 
>possible you can give poor old Frank the benefit of the doubt.  Maybe he
>wanted something different than you.

Anyone that goes on about how EVERYONE should get $3000+ brakes (And then you
need new wheels too.....  add another $1200...) needs to look at what they are

>You must have a problem making friends if you start a post like that. 
>And I thought I was an ass.

Well maybe you are...

Eddie.....   (How's that Frank Bauer?)