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Re: sexism

This exchange occured:

In the meantime I wish I could get some of these balding/bad comb-overed, wrap
>around sunglass wearing, middle-aged male businessmen driving nondescript
>underpowered american 2 door pseudo sports car 20 miles over the speed limit
>OFF MY REAR END!!!!!!!!
>Take that!


I strongly advise getting the hint and moving yourself one lane to the right.
You are out of order. If someone wants to pass you, and you don't let them,
YOU are violating the law. It is not your job to play enforcer, unless you are
an officer of the law, which I sincerely doubt.  If you want to enforce the
law, at *least* study it first. Then go get a job with the appropriate law
enforcement agency. Until then, don't play God. Your position exudes
ignorance, and folks like you are catalysts for road rage. Do you know why the
person behind you is in such a hurry? Oh, I suppose you are psychic too, eh?

Sorry to rain on your parade (or rather the one you apparently are in the
habit of creating), but there are too many mouth-breathers out there who share
your ignorant opinion. In the event you were just being sarcastic, and are not
actually this ignorant, my apologies. Otherwise, it's time to educate
yourself. Hope you learn your lesson the easy way, before you cause an accident.<<

Wasn't it *obvious* that she had her tongue firmly in cheek?

However, I found Sargent's reply pretty smug and self-satisfied.  Frankly, if someone is going 20 miles and hour faster than the speed limit, they have no right to tail-gate someone in order to bully them to go faster (especially if they're in a Saturn <g>.)  It's dangerous and *rude* (but don't ask me how many times *I've* done it <g>.)  Frankly, it doesn't matter *why* the person behind you is in a hurry (except for an emergency, which is very rare and should be accompanied by flashing lights.)  If someone is in that much of a hurry, the burden is not on the person in the front doing the legal speed limit, especially in a two lane situation.

And if an accident results from someone doing 20 mph over the speed limit, who's at fault?  The person doing the speed limit?  How can you possibly try to put a guilt trip on *them*?

Also, unfortunately I don't think that it's regulated in the US by law that you have have to stay in the right lane unless passing like it is in Germany.  This is because of the strange layout of some expressways in urban areas where the right lane is reserved in spots for exiting the expressway (like in exits spaced closely together.)  It's common sense of course and most of the time, people tend to stay right, but I realize that problems occur especially in 3 and 4 lane situations in heavy traffic.  Well, if people were more courteous to each other, traffic would run much more smoothly.  This extends to the speeder realizing that not everyone wants to risk fines and worse.  I *do* know that I've applied a gentle tap of the brakes a couple of times when some aggresso driver (male *or* female) tries to ride up my tailpipe at high speeds.  That usually works...

Damn, the above sure sounded smug and self-satisfied...

d(who speeds almost daily but doesn't get pissed at people who don't - generally <g>)weil