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PRO Rally pics are up...
I've put some pics up on Brett Dikeman's server from Doo Wops III/IV and
Wild West, of Rui's S2. I've got quite a few more choice pics of Buffum,
Choinere, Merrill, David Summerbell, Chris Tudor, and a few others, that
I'll be scanning over the next couple of days. I've also got some pictures
from Rim that I'll be developing this week as well. I'm going to redo some
of the pages...clean them up a bit, and trim down some file sizes. If you
want to check out what's up there already, go to
http://pdikeman.ne.mediaone.net/audipics/rally/prorally.html . I'll make
another post when I make the big changeover to my new pages.
-mark nelson