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Re: 1989 Audi 90 Q Idle hunting
>Good morning Audi fans.
>I have a slight problem with my 1989 Audi 90 Q. When I come to a
>stop light, the idle speed returns to where it should be (around 850
>rpm), but a couple of seconds after that, it starts to climb up to a
>1000 rpm or higher (as high as 11--1200 rpm). Sometime it comes back
>down to a 1000 rpm and sometime it stays at the higher revs. I
>believe auto technicians call this "idle hunting". Does anyone have
>any suggestions. Is there a idle stabilizer on this model??
>I am open to any suggestion(s). Thanks a lot.
If you have an A/C unit, try turning it off and see if it helps.
John Torset
Amiga 4000
Audi V8 quattro