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Subject: Window squeaking cause discovered, not fixed

Rob wrote:
A while back I posted that my driver's side window squeaks like crazy when
it's going down, but not up. Wasn't sure why.

I put the window down and looked down in there and discovered the little
rubber/felt strip along the top of the door, up against the window has come
free from the door and is "down in there". Has anyone had this problem

While I'm at it - how do I get the door panels off? I'm guessing I'm going
to need to do that.
Rob:  Taking the inner door skin off your '91 200q is easy, see the procedure
on fixing the door lock on my page (look under the repair index, body
Do you need to remove the inner door piece to pull that piece?  No btdt,

Basically, take off the arm rest (allen screws in 3 places, loosen then pull
armrest straight out); remove the philips screws at the hinge and door lock
sides, and there's plastic clips holding the base of the door skin on.  You
also need to remove a philips head screw in the door release area, behind a
trim plate, and remove the cable to the door pull.  All very easy.

Once the skin is off, you want to lubricate the window assembly well, but
don't use a thick grease that will stress out your motor and capture dust.
Also a good time to check wiring in the door hinge area, fix bulbs and
contacts in the seat/window/mirror switches in the armrest, replace the lock
cylinder and arm for the outside lock if you haven't already, and clean out
the drain holes in the base of the door.
HTH, Chris Miller, Windham NH, c1j1miller@aol.com
'91 200q