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Re: 5kQT rear brakes sticking

At 08:10 PM 5/30/98 EDT, you wrote:
>Hey I got a probelm...
>While driving my 5kTQ in the summer heat, 95+ degrees, Both the rear brakes
>stick after brake application.  The rear calipers are rebuilt V8 units with
>new pads and rotors.  It happens when the ABS is on or off and dosn't go away
>when using the ABS.  I have noticed if I hit a big bump just the right way
>calipers let go with an audile pop eminating from the front of the
vehicle.  I
>suspect it's either the brake booster or the prop valve, any suggestions??

As we all know, the common Audi rear caliper sticking problems are master
cylinder and rusty parking brake mechanisms.  If your calipers are rebuilt
it's probably not the parking brake.  I've never heard the 'pop'
description before, however.....you've got me on that!

This may be an obvious question, but I noticed you have V8 calipers on your
5kTQ.  I presume when you put those on you also put on the upgraded vented
rotors, caliper carriers, and shields.  If not maybe that is part of your
problem....the V8 calipers will fit on your existing carriers and will
actually work, but since they are designed for the far thicker vented rotor
(instead of the solid one) the pistons go *way* out of their bore
(eventually all the way out) as the pads wear down....not a good thing!

Sorry I wasn't more help..........SLM

Steve Manning:  stephenm@ix.netcom.com
...Physical home: Metro D.C. area, USA
.....Virtual home:  http://www.stationwagon.com